

Dear Colleagues and Friends

We are grateful that most of our church family have been getting alongside people in various creative ways through telephone, text, letter or social media, providing that vital connexion which is so effective, particularly for the isolated and the lonely. 

Many churches are continuing to provide streaming of Church services and many of our clergy have lifted us with reflexions and moments of prayer so that although we cannot meet physically, we can still come together in hope and love and faith.

So many instances of care and support and kindness have been shown by ordinary people stepping up into this togetherness and experimenting in wonderful ways proclaiming the Good News.

And so :-

  • To those ministers who have provided daily reflections and/or Sunday Services either by video or audio,
  • To those ministers who are not into technology but who regularly keep contact with their parishioners by letter, phone, or “Window Messaging”,
  • To all parishioners and laypeople who are helping their congregational members by regularly keeping contact, shopping or assisting in any way they can,
  • To all those who are staying in isolation enduring with patience and grace this temporary inconvenience,

a very warm and heartfelt thank you to you all!

We cannot be together physically, even at this special Easter time but there is a  bond which is much, much stronger. This is the bond of love and care for one another and this is the tie which will keep us together. May God bless you.

Yours in the Lord, 

Rt. Rev. Chris and Rev. Robert

Articles for “The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine”

If you would like to submit an article to “The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian” these can be sent to Rev. Dr. Heather Walker,  the editor, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Deadlines are generally near the 15th of every month.

Sunday School Games

On Saturday 7th March the Annual Sunday School Games were held at the Trinity Methodist Centre. Great fun was had by all as the children engaged in games as well as arts and crafts. A thank you to Adele Johnston and Rev. Stephen Reain-Adair for all the effort that went into putting the event together. (Photo attached).

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