
New NSPCI Women Facebook Page

As the NSPCI celebrates the role of women in our denimination in this year of 2022, as we also celebrate the 40th anniversary of Rev. Lena Cockcroft's ordination, a new NSPCI Women Facebook Page has been opened. 

Please take a look at:

Please also post any relevent information onto the page that can help us to celebrate the role of Women in the NSPCI. 


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2022 Celebrating NSPCI Women

“2022 CelebratingNSPCI Women”

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This coming year year we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the contribution of our women, past and present, who have contributed to our denomination over the years. We are looking for your assistance and support.

Please help us, you are vital to its success. Our contact details are below.

Can you nominate one of your church ladies to be a link person with us?

Perhaps there may be those in your congregation who might put together a little feature or a human interest story for the Magazine? Tell us about your ladies or a specific lady you might like to honour. We want to highlight them throughout the year.

Sandra Gilpin and Pamela Topping are in the process of producing some pieces for the January and February editions, but we need pieces to include in the Magazine throughout the year. Your contributions would be invaluable. 

We also want to create a photographic display, possibly a photo ‘wall hangs’ and/or popups of ladies involvement in our churches. Do you have photos of ladies of your church in bygone days? If so, could you please forward copies. We would like to include these in the magazine along with your various recollections on women in your church. Photo of some of your ladies at recent events and activities will also be very useful eg. Church harvest, Carol Service, Sales, Walks, Picnics etc.

We would also like to have videos or written interviews with special ladies or individuals in your congregation?

Don’t forget to include date and name of the church and the ladies. (With their permission, of course)

If you or your ladies can suggest any other ideas of events we could have we are happy to hear from you as we look backward with pride and forward with hope.

Below is a list of some of the other suggested activities we are considering at present.

An ongoing charity, possibly Blythswood for those with the skills you might encourage your ladies to knit or crotchet some squares to make blankets which can then be donated to the cause.

January – Launch of NSPCI Women, each church is invited to host a service to celebrate the contributions of all our ladies. Lady ministers and lay-people could have an input to the content.

March – 40th Anniversary Celebration for the Ordination of Rev Lena Cockroft (organised by Ballymoney)

June – Synod – launch of Displays of NSPCI Women and their achievements. 

July/August – NSPCI Women walk, talk and a Picnic

September - Celebration Dinner –

Visit our website as dates are finalised for the various events –

We look forward to hearing from you as we feel it is important to meet once again after the difficulties we have faced
during the past year.

You can contact any of us directly - Contact details are in the Aide Memoire or by the following email.
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Best Wishes
Carole McAvoy ,Sandra Gilpin, Heather Walker, Barbara Atcheson, Adele Johnston, Mary Stewart, Jayne
Caven, Pamela Topping, Joan Agnew, Margaret Montgomery, Elizabeth Moore, Sheila McMillan, Robert McKee,




Faith & Freedom Journal

The NSPCI is very privileged to have Rev. Dr. David Steers BD, MPhill amongst our clergy.  He is the Editor of Faith and Freedom, a journal of Pregressive Religion. It is published twice a year. If you would like to know more about it, please be in contact with Rev. Dr. David Steers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Below are photo's giving details of this editions content: 

Faith anf Freedom 1

Faith and Freedom 2




New Moderator and Clerk for Presbytery of Bangor

Presbytery of Bangor - New Moderator and ClerkRev. Stephen Reain Adair portrait1

At a meeting of the Presbytery of Bangor on Wednesday 25th August, the Rev. Stephen Reain-Adair was elected as the new moderator taking over from Rev. Chris Wilson.  At the same meeting, the Rev. Brian Moodie was elected as the new clerk, taking over from Rev. Ian Gilpin who had occupied the role for almost three decades. 

Gratitude is to be expressed to both Rev. Chris Wilson and to Rev. Ian Gilpin for the time and energy they had given to their respective roles, but especially to the Rev. Ian Gilpin for his years of faithful and selfless service in the role of clerk.