Belfast - Rosemary Street

First Presbyterian Church

Rosemary Street, Belfast

(Congregation founded in 1644, present building completed in 1783)

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Rev. Chris Hudson

Church Office: First Presbyterian Church, 41 Rosemary Street, BELFAST, BT1 1QB



David Kerr 

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: 07757 084606



Kim Walsh 

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Time of Services:

Each Sunday: 10.30 am



The Church building and Central Hall is located in Belfast city centre. Rosemary Street runs east off Royal Avenue from the HSBC Bank and connects with Bridge Street where the Northern Whig building is situated. The Church is situated opposite the entrance to TK Maxx.

On-street parking is available on the pavement of Rosemary Street in front of the Church on Sundays only. This is approached from High Street, turning right into Lombard Street which then meets Rosemary Street. For weekday visits - use commercial Car parking - High Park Shopping Centre in High Street (beside St. George's Church).

First Church Rosemary 1  First Church Rosemary