
Launch of 2022 Year of NSPCI Women 30th Jan 2022

The official launch date for the 2022 Year of NSPCI Women will take place across most of our congregations on Sunday 30th January. 

An order of service has been prepared with special prayers and readings that will be used across many of our NSPCI congregations on 30th January, focussing on the many women in our congregations who have been pillars within our communities, and also giving thanks for Rev. Lena Cockcroft on this 40th year since she was ordained as the first women minister within the NSCPI. 

The following reading will be included, as well as the prayer that follows: 

Reader 3: Great Women of the Present.
May we be women who, with holy reverence, remember irreplaceable
women from our congregation, past and present. May we honour those
who nurture us and teach us to love God. May their example of
Christian faith help transform us into the character of Jesus. May we
honour the women among us who feed the hungry, clothe the
unclothed, befriend the lonely, and comfort the comfortless, blessing
them for unselfishly loving people as God loves us. May we pray for
them as they minister to others. May we support women grieving the
loss of loved ones, comforting them with God’s word, and sisterly
affection. May we learn to encourage them as they have encouraged
us. May we cherish women pregnant with the unborn sons and
daughters made in the image of God. May we bless those women who
weep for us, rejoice with us, wipe our tears, pray for us, and laugh with
us. May we bless those who undauntedly sacrifice for us, and honour
all those who stand alongside us: those women who encourage us to
dream, who bring out the best in us, who help us bear our burdens,
and who love us without reserve. May we support those who minister
to us in this church, including [Name those who serve within the
church as Elders, Sunday School or youth ministers, musicians,
florists, caretakers, chauffers, caterers, artists, encouragers etc].
May they know our gratitude and respect for their loving service.


Dear Lord, Thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating each of us.
Thank You for giving us worth in Your eyes. Help us live as the one You
uniquely intended us to be. Help us to strive to abolish all injustice and
misogyny so that all over your world women may live peacefully and joyfully
as daughters of God and co-heirs with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine January 2022 edition

Dear Friends

The JANUARY 2022 edition of the Non-Subsribing Presbyterian Magazine is available.  The Table of Contents and the Editorial appears below. 

If you are interested in subscribing to receive the magazine, please be in contact with Rev. Heather Walker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine cover

EDITORIAL:  Table of Contents 


Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine:  Table of Contents 


EDITORIAL:  January 2022

Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine Editorial

Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Magazine Editorial



INVITATION: Service of Thanksgiving and Reflection - Celebrating 40 years of Ordaining Women Ministers

Service of Thanksgiving and Reflection - Celebrating 40 years of Ordaining Women Ministers

The Session and Congregation of Ballymoney would like to invite anyone who wishes to attend to join them at a Service of Thanksgiving and Reflection celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the ordination of our Minister, Rev Lena Cockcroft, and 40 years of women being ordained into the Non Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland as ministers of religion. 

This service will be held at “The Travel Lodge” situated in the grounds of The Lodge Hotel in Coleraine at 4pm on Sunday 6th March 2022.

The service will be led by Lynda Kane, one of our current Students for the Ministry, the sermon will be given by the Moderator, Rt Reverend Chris Hudson and we hope to have other members of the denomination participating as well. The organist at the Service will be Mr Tom Whyte.

After the service you are invited to join us for Dinner in the hotel at a cost of £15.00 per person. Suitable refreshments, included in the price of the dinner, will be provided for all, reflecting the hospitality for which Ballymoney is well known.

Believing this is an ideal opportunity for members of the denomination from near and far to meet, worship in a relaxed however sincere atmosphere, and then socialise afterwards, Ballymoney would love to see as many as possible in attendance on 6th March.  

If you wish to attend only the service, that is fine, if you wish to attend the service and dinner that too is fine, and finally if you wish to attend both and stay overnight then we have arranged a Bed and Breakfast rate with the hotel, based on a couple sharing of £89.00 per room which can be booked directly with the hotel on 028 7034 4848.

As we approach the date of the service more details will be made available, however if you would like further information, please feel free to contact either:

John Esler This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07879885996

 Adele Johnston This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07846057179

The service is open to one and all from all faiths and thoughts so feel free to invite friends and spread the word to those within and outside our denomination.

In order to organise numbers for both the meeting room and catering we would be grateful if you could confirm numbers by 24th February 2022.etary and John Esler, Treasurer

Ballymoney NSPCI