The General Synod of the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland 2024
From Tuesday 11 June 2024
To Wednesday 12 June 2024

The General Synod of the Non-Subscribing

Presbyterian Church of Ireland


Moderator: The Rt. Reverend Lena Cockroft

Clerk: The Very Reverend Robert McKee

Bellahill House, 10 Dalway’s Bawn Road, Carrickfergus BT38 9BY

In accordance with the Constitution and Code of Discipline of the NSPCI


Synod 2024

will be held in

First Banbridge Presbyterian Church


Downshire Rd, Banbridge BT32 3JY Remonstrant Synod of Ulster

Tuesday 11th June 3.30pm


Trustee Company

Tuesday 11th June 4.15pm


General Synod

7.30 pm – Synod Communion Service,

8.15 pm – Synod Service and Installation of Moderator


Wednesday 12th June 10.30 am

10.30 am – Business Meeting

Location Downshire Rd, Banbridge, BT32 3JY